
Brain Storming Session 9/10/2024

  "Good Morning, Sunshing. Your Dms are full." (the assistant says this) TokkiTickk is the social media empire that controls the most famous of all social medias. Takes place in NY. random information: tone is everything and you lose that over dms or texts where the voice isn't involved.  Main Character:(screen name:     kind, long hair, pretty face/nice smile perfect teeth, 5 foot six, sassy, sarcastic, witty, maybe a spy - mocha red skin tone, blue eyes, a little asian in her, has a secret passion for cosplay in a business marriage of convenience for a will stipulation (husband is possible bad guy) marketing or advertising. social lite family background. free spirit. She realizes her marraige isn't serving her happiness and that her husband is in love with her assistant.  assistant : assistant has a photographic memory so that they can see through red tape. because she can remember everything, it almost seems like she's psychic. might be the one that usually re

And So We Start Again

  Dear No One, What can I say to make you more comfortable? You're here because you've become curious about what I write. You've seen me live, or you've watched a reel...regardless, I suppose I should say thank you and welcome. Unfortunately, I feel you'll soon become bored.  The writings on this page will no longer be ramblings that surface from thoughts I've decided not to dump and have yet to process. No...the writing on this page will be purely from my imagination. The focal point will be characters I'll always identify in the title.  Why write a fictional blog, why not a book? : I want to write without the confinement of judgement. Fact of the matter, for me, my writing was never about releasing a story, but writing in general. I only managed to 'complete' 9 novels because I had support helping me to focus on completion. I don't have that anymore, and I don't want it, to be honest.  I was given a ticking clock and boy, is it getting loud